Monday, May 16, 2005

Strangers without Candy

At the reunion, of all the children, there were mainly boys there. With two exceptions--a 3 yr-old girl and an 7 month baby girl. The little girl who told me her name was Leslie came up to me while I was at the dessert table slicing the chocolate cake I made. Out of all the desserts, my cake was the only one that had chocolate...all the rest were made of strawberries and whipped cream ( strawberry season is in full bloom). Anyway, the little girl tugged on shirt with her sticky little stawberry hand and asked "Where is the candy? Why don't nobody have candy there?"

I had to laugh. She asked a good question. I said, "I think the candy monster ate it while we were eating lunch." Then I offered her some cake.

Around that time, her grandmother--my mom's first cousin came over, grabbed her by the arm and said, "Leslie, don't talk to strangers. I'm not going to keep telling you that."

lmao...what the f.....
Hey, I didn't have candy!


Anonymous said...

hahaha funny.
i have to tell this one at work tomorrrow.

sarah hb said...

hahaha don't talk to strangers? haha looks like the concept of 'family reunion' went right over that little girl's mothers head.