Monday, May 09, 2005

Starbucks and Bruce

I own a copy of Bruce Springsteen's latest CD "Devils & Dust."
There's a song on it that has Adult content--its about an encounter with a hooker. It's called Reno-- good song, but I agree very adult. Starbucks isn't going to offer the CD to its customers due to the song. That's their perogative. This CD isn't for mocha loving espresso's. Its more like Irish Coffee.

Personally I like the CD. Even like the Song. It has a wide variety of topics from Hookers to Jesus and horses in between. I've listened to it in the dark and find his deep throaty ballads luring me into a dream state. I've listened to it during the morning as I get ready for work and the bopping along songs motivate me as I apply my daytime face--though the next to last song has a falsetto that makes me cringe...its the only song I don't like. Out of 12 songs, that's not bad.

here's the link to the Reno Lyrics:


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