Monday, May 09, 2005

Sleep of Winter

Across my horizon, flowers in full bloom;
tints of pink, yellow, red and purple
flutter in a warm spring breeze.

I find the harshness of beauty
too damaging to my eyes,
to behold on this May day.

Within every breath I inhale
there is a darkness that refuses light,
even as nature flaunts beauty.

I do not want to be here,
surrounded by art I didn't create,
the lush colors of spring's promise.

Give me the sleep of winter,
cold and crisp fingers on my soul
writing your name with its ice.

I cannot abide rays of spring light,
fearing they'll melt my memories
of winter's frost and you.

~ ~ ~
Ever seen something so beautiful that you resent it because it takes away a memory you hold tight, even if it's a bad one?

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