Monday, August 15, 2005

A Tarot Reading for Me

Felt moved to read my Tarot Cards last night. Here's a reading for myself.. I pulled a card first to see what the reading might refer to:

The Page of Pentacles:

Examining something (a place, person or situation) thoroughly with common sense.
(I knew immediately this referred to David)

Immediate Past: The Six of Cups:
Memories, reflections of the past. (I've been thinking of my past relationships and how I've learned something from each and the journey I am on, regarding my needs for romance and how the past has shaped them)

My Now: The Knight of Wands: A knight brings sudden change. This knight is like an Indiana Jones type situation--full of adventure but doesn't stay around long. (My first thought was the chance encounter with David at the post office)

The Three of Wands crosses the Knight of Wands. The Three represents actions set into motion. (My first thought was "I'm watching actions from afar. Seeing where things could be heading. The long picture so to speak).

My Immediate Future: The Nine of Cups. It's the Wish card. Meaning I'll get my wish. It is a lucky card. Very positive in most situations... But...

The Devil card is the future's environment. Right away I realized that it's telling me to be careful about what I wish for. Not all wishes turn out as we like. There is decadence suggested and I must be careful how I proceed if I want this to be something other than a fling. (As of now I don't know what I really want)

The final card(something to consider) is Justice (I don't do outcome cards. My future is not set in stone)

Justice is about balance, taking the consequences for my actions. It tells me to be just and to look at all sides of this situation with common sense. To view all the options before me, but mainly to stay true to myself.

All together, the cards are pretty much my state of mind right now. I am in no hurry to proceed and will take care and heed that I do what's best for me.

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