Friday, August 05, 2005

It's a Tax Free Weekend for NC

but not a stress free one for me!

I told J that my blog was turning into a Dad Fest. Yesterday, right before I leave for the Swamp D game, I heard Dad on the phone talking to someone. I was saving my files and closing out programs, when he said 'Sherrie. Telephone.' I hadn't heard it ring, but then I was concentrating on getting my tasks done. I answered the phone, expecting a customer but instead I got the owner of the jewelry store at the corner of our block. I guess Dad had called her to complain about his health. She went off on me!

"Sherrie. Take your daddy to the ER now. He needs to be in the hospital. He could be having a heart attack. Make him go now."

I said, "I can't make him. He knows his own body. If he needs to go, it's up to him. He's not 2 yrs old."

She said, "It's your duty as a daughter to make him go. Drag him into your truck and take him now. Be a good daughter. Look out for your father."

Oh, I saw red but I contained it. "Let me go talk to him. Bye."

I went to the front where Dad was standing, chewing his fingernail. I said, "Dad, what the hell was that all about?"

He asked what she said to me and I told him. Then I asked if he was having chest pains. He said he was. I told him to go to the hospital. He said he was feeling a little better. I went off on him.

"Dad, don't mess around with this. It's not a game." I was close to tears. "If it were me, or Lisa or would be all over our asses to go get medical help." He didn't say anything. Stood there trying to dig his way out of the hole he created by calling Mary to get sympathy and attention.

I believe that's why he called her. Everyone that walks in the door, he has to tell them about his health. Some listen and pet him. Others could care less. He likes to milk stuff...I'm not saying he's not having chest pains or other problems. I know he is. And he probably was feeling a tightness in his ches, because he had spent over an hour stressing about the AC.

While I got my stuff together, he went to check his blood sugar and it was normal. So I left for the game--stressed and feeling guilty for losing my patience with him. During the game I tried to relax...tried to enjoy the attentions of a 30-yr-old army guy who thought I was better than buttered toast...but a nagging worry known as Dad kept popping up.

When I got home, he had left a message that the AC was working and he was calling the AC repair place and telling them not to come by.

I didn't sleep well last night. Kept waking up, going to the answering machine to see if anyone like the hospital had called, because I really believe he's on the verge of an attack...but there wasn't any..but still I didn't sleep soundly.

I got in early..did some work and Dad came in at 11. He hadn't called the repair place. And we spent 30 mins discussing it. I went for coffee and as soon as I got back, he began the debate again... another 15 mins. I lost my patience, because he was stressing over it and I saw no reason too. "Dad, call and cancel." He said, "What if the AC stops working??" I replied angrily,"Then we'll have to call them."

I walked off while he called them and when he was finished, he said, "Why are you so short-tempered today?"

"Because I've spent most of the week, worrying about you and I'm tired. I didn't sleep well."

He's gone to do some errands. And I need a vacation.

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