Monday, August 01, 2005

Sister Soul

Hey Sister Soul,
hand me that lipstick,
the deep velvet red
so that I can paint
a smile on my lips
that will teach
my world to smile.

While you're at it,
grab that eyeliner,
the deep satin blue
so that I can draw
a line around my eyes,
to corral the tears
that threaten to escape.

See the blush, petal pink?
Let's brush it, sweeping up
and see if we can coax
some innocence from
the hiding place in my pores.
I'm tired of the jade
I wear like a crown.

Sister Soul, color my outside.
Make it as lovely
as dew on roses red,
as wistful as sunrise on satin.
Add enough coats
so that it stains me inside.
And when I self-anaylize,
the decor will be vogue.

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