Tuesday, August 23, 2005


I kept the nephews last night. Was reading the paper and William was on the couch beside me playing with a Batman toy and he kept saying in a droning robotic voice, "I love Eggs. Eggs like me." over and over...

There's no telling where he picked that line up from. Last month, I heard him reciting the "Hi I'm Bob Villa" sears commerical about kitchen improvements. He memorizes commericals, tv shows, movies, books...

Anyway, here I am trying to read the paper and comprehend the articles... in my head begins a robotic drone in my voice "I love Eggs. Eggs like me."

It occurred that I am being brainwashed. So I looked over the paper at William and said, "Dawgie Dog, if I wake up tonight in front of the refrigerator saying 'I love Eggs. Eggs like me.' You're going to wear scrambled eggs to school tomorrow."

He gave me a big grin. "Aunt Sherrie, boys wear clothes. Not eggs."

I didn't wake up in front of the fridge. But earlier today, as I wrote down a customer's order, I found myself droning under my breath. "I love Eggs. Eggs like me."

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