Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Some inside Info

..on the magazine...

Our sweet Sarah HB allowed me to post a poem she wrote. It's on the Poetry Corner page.

The short story "The Bust" was inspired by a guy I knew in College. He was an odd sort, played practical jokes on people. A roommate of mine dated his brother and one day I was over at their apartment with my roomy and the odd guy showed me a bust of a man made from white marble, it's head was bent oddly to the side. He told me that the statue wasn't like that when he got it...that he dreamt it chased him one night and fell off a cliff. When he woke up, the head was bent in an odd way. I think he thought the story would scare me into bed, but it had the opposite effect...I left in a hurry ...terrified.

The haunted house story is true. Maybe one day I'll write about this haunted building I work in now. Depends on whether the ghost grants permission.

As far as the other articles... I had fun writing them. And want to thank those who sent work in to be published.

I hope everyone who reads the ezine... enjoys it.


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