Thursday, October 06, 2005

Shere Bits

... another dot dot dot day



... so Katie's preggers...she'll never be free... even if she becomes a rich divorced mommy... old Tom-bone will still be in her life ... there's no free lunch... but what scares me...terrifies me... is that Tom is procreating... someone...hold me.

...the pictures of the python who swallowed an alligator half its size and its gut burst is frightening... talk about fucking balls... I bet the gator ripped the stomach apart, trying to get out. People and their exotic pets that they don't want..tossing them into the unknown wilds isn't the answer to getting rid of them. Pets like pythons are not native to the US and will end up destroying the natural habitat and endanger the animals and plant life. Shame on you, irresponsible exotic pet-owners who didn't research or think beyond the purchase. A pox on you!

...anyone besides me watching Nip/Tuck? I think Dr. Costas is the Carver. He is weird and also bisexual... plus he does this head tilt that the Carver does before attacking a person, shooting them full of a paralyzing drug, whispering 'Beauty is a Curse', slashing their face and then raping them--both sexes are his victims. But with Christian Troy--he slashed his neck.. well, he did rape him. But only a person with medical knowledge would know where to cut so that he wouldn't kill, only scar. This season is just starting ... I could be wrong--he could be a red herring.

...Seth said the most witty thing about me last night when he called ....he said I was a "font of funny remarks." I like that. On that note, I need to get back to work so I can get home and refreshed. He's cumming over tonight. ;)

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