Wednesday, March 30, 2005

My Tarot Reading

Tarot is a living picture book that changes every time we read it!

First a word or several about my Tarot readings. I don't forecast the future. Nothing is set in stone...I believe we are offered choices and we make our own future. Which is one reason I don't allow an outcome card in my Tarot Spreads.

The cards give suggestions on what's happening subconsciously---you know the saying, "Can't see the trees for the forest."... that's what a reading does for me... Shows me the trees. And sometimes they point out things I don't want to see. Sometimes a reading is referring to the past, sometimes the now and often what can be... I've had incidences where I don't understand what the cards are telling me and then a few days or even weeks later it's crystal clear.

About Tarot cards.... there are 78 cards... 22 Major Arcana (they deal with the major events in our life--they tell us to take note) and 56 Minor Arcana (they deal with day to day living).

The cards I use are the Universal Waite deck. It is a version of the traditional Rider-Waite-Smith deck.

The spread that I do for general readings is a simple form of the Celtic Cross spread. Sometimes I pull a card for the reading and then do the layout. Sometimes I don't. It depends on the situation or the person I'm doing the reading for. The spread has 6 cards in it. I also call the card on the bottom of the deck a special message card. So when the cards are all pulled its a total of 8 most of the time. For those I read for the first time I just do the 6 card spread until they get comfortable with readings.

I cut the deck into two piles and shuffle them until they fight against me. That's when I know they are done. I cut them with my left hand...its what I call the neutral hand, as I'm right-handed. Here's my own reading from Monday night:

Card pulled for reading:
It is a major Arcana card--- its about inner strength. It reminds me that I have the inner ability to succeed at anything I do. Not to give up because it is attainable. I relate to this card. I believe that anything is possible as long as you're willing to give it a try. Just because its possible doesn't mean that you'll be good at it. That's a chance we all take when we try something new. But at least we find out if we can do it. And that's worth the effort. I think this card is the green light for my online magazine.

Card 1 in the Spread...My immediate past card:
The Hermit:
Introspection, seeking inner peace, analyzing a situation, gathering information. I retreat often, because I am a creative person. This refers to my writing and my goals I have plotted out for the year.

Card 2...My now card:
The Lovers :
A confusing card to many, because it often refers to choices in love. I was surprised to see it in the reading, because I really don't have any major love issues to choose. I think its telling me that I should follow the path of what I love doing, no matter what risks I might face. That the risks are worth it. Whatever the choice is, I don't think its a person because of the card (Actually the 5th card of the spread) that crosses this card...which is the Star.

The Star represents something that affects my now. This is a positive card--the promise of hope. It tells me that there is a positive future. But it isn't a sudden change, its subtle. A star shows the way, its up to me to make the journey.

Maybe both cards are telling me not to give up on the possibility of love.

Card 3 is...My immediate future card:
Five of Wands:
A Minor Arcana card. Its a Wand and represents thoughts and passion--such as new careers, creative endeavors and projects.The Five is about competition and power struggle. I believe this refers to finding time to make all my tasks fit into a single smooth operation. It could mean that I have to sort out myself before I can make it all fit together.

Card 4 us...The environment of the future:
Ace of Pentacles:
Pentacles deal with the physical--such as health, finances and work related--such as jobs, tasks. craft, labor. .Aces represent beginnings. This Ace is about taking an idea (Planting a seed) and watching it sprout. It tells me that if I can get it together (ie the 5 of Wands), my goals will bear fruit.

Final card of the spread #6...Something to consider:
A wise card. Not always a nice one, but one that tells me that to keep inner balance, I must make adjustments. I must not resist this or I'll not find the balance and harmony I need to succeed.

Special message (th card at the bottom of the deck):
Queen of Cups
This is my card. It's a Water sign-- Represents Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio. I am a Scorpio. The Cups suit deals with issues of the heart--love, intuition, spiritualness. She's telling me not to ignore my intuition--my gut feelings. Go with what feels right.

To pull it all together, the reading tells me that I have great possibilities with my magazine, as long as I get the wrinkles ironed out and am able to keep my inner harmony.


Anonymous said...

are u a gipsy?

Painter Lady said...

no... not a 'gipsy' but I've been called a dipsy.

sarah hb said...

If you get the chance do you think you could do a reading for me?