Saturday, March 12, 2005

March Winds

Man, we've got 'em.

I have no major plans this weekend. In fact, my sinuses are acting up again. Probably due to the weather--its warm one day and then cold the next, etc...and so forth.

I finally straightened out the illicit affair mishap. No Scarlet A for me. Like I told Bonnie...if I did embark upon a dalliance with a married man, I wouldn't do it in public places!!! At least not without a disguise. lol... blonde beehive wig and red lipstick.. and cleavage down to my navel.

It's quiet at work today. I've got some stuff done and am goofing off now.

I've been listening to Thomas Harris' s Red Dragon ...a book on CD every night right before going to sleep. I had forgotten how entertaining a well written book read aloud can be. Now I want to get some more books on CD... to listen to as I relax before sleep.

I love doing searches online...some of the most unique websites popup that have nothing to do with what you're looking for.

Think I'll head off line...have a great weekend.

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