Monday, March 21, 2005

IHOP, Porn and Brian W

Friday night my movie pal Doug and I drove to F-ville to see the Ring 2. On the way we covered a range of topics...mainly current events. By the time we got to the theatre, all showings were sold out! We drove to some of the other theatres but none were showing it.

We ended up at the IHOP. I had some French Toast. Very yummy. Our topic there was old porn flicks and how they’re so different today. There were some GIs sitting behind us and one kept turning around to look at me. I know a lot about the old porn, especially Ron Jeremy… he’s the man…oh and Peter Horne. I think his cock is sooo hot. I almost bought a dildo shaped like it a few years ago. Course I didn’t tell Doug that. I imagine it seemed strange to the GIs that we were discussing porn so matter-of-factly.

On the way home, I was forced to listen to the Beach Boys… or rather Brian Wilson. Doug had a demo that BW had made years ago. His voice was all scratchy. D said, “Listen to this song. His voice is so full of pain.”

It wasn’t… it was just scratchy sounding. I pacified him, by agreeing with him.

The drive home seemed to take forever. I guess that’s due to the music. LOL. I really am not a big Beach Boys fan.

Saturday I spent half the day at work, then went birthday shopping for Granny. Ended up with two boxes of candy. That evening I stayed in. Watched some of the season 2 Curve Your Enthusiasm DVD, the movies “Exorcist, the Beginning” and “Quills.” I was surprised that both movies were fairly decent ones.

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