Saturday, June 18, 2005

ben bug

I've noticed a big difference with the nephews. William, though austic... isn't afraid to try things, except food. He thinks he can do anything and he'll try to do it..if he falters or can't he doesn't let it stop him from trying. For example, on the computer William will explore a game. He'll click to see where it goes. If he can't do that part, he'll leave it and go to another part...or he'll keep trying until he figures it out.

With Ben, he doesn't try at all... he's say "I can't. Help me." And if he's actually done the task many times, he still looks to one of us as if waiting for us to say... "that's right." He doesn't venture and explore like William, even in playing. I fear that he feels he's in William's shadow. I told Mom today that we need to coach Ben, to give him special attention with his studies (like learning his numbers, abc's, etc). His birthday is Sept. That means he'll be starting school as a young 5 yr old. And that can be a disadvantage when you have children who are more mature and who are more developed. I've a feeling studies will be hard for Ben. He doesn't catch on as fast as William.

I'll do my best to work with Ben Bug. I think my working with William is part of why he has grown so far beyond the autism classification that was placed on him.

I wrote a poem for Ben.

Little Ben Bug

Little Ben Bug
I see the hesitation in your eyes,
the questioning of your skills,
as you stand on the edge
of new experiences.
Fears of the unknown
seem to shadow your focus.
Do not be afraid, little one.
The world is not so large,
if you believe you are larger.
Your path is before you,
green with wonderful discoveries waiting.
Spread your wings.
You can fly
and soar so high that even heaven looks small.
If you falter, I'm here to catch you.
The world is yours to conquer.
Don't be afraid to try, to fly...
Little Ben Bug

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