Monday, February 14, 2005

Valentine's Day 1987

In Jan of '87, I was introduced to an older man of 42. I met him at Wrongway Corrigan's in Greenville. A bar for the older 25, I was at the in-between age where I could fit in at both scenes.

His name was Gary. Tall blonde and handsome, I was surprised he was interested in me. He spent most of January wooing me with dinner, flowers, perfume and other little gifts. I remember right before Valentine's day he said that he wanted to have a special evening and for me to wear something sexy. So I did.

He made dinner--baked chicken and a salad. There was a huge bouquet of roses on the table and a gift bag full of bubble bath, lotion and some perfume--Opium, my favorite. Candles were everywhere and Billie Holiday sang her heart out. The place was a seductive death trap.

In all the dates before this one, he never did more than kiss me. So naturally my ideas of what kind of lover he would be were beyond reality. So when he led me to his bedroom, my heart was pounding and my panties were soaked. He laid me out on the bed and began to slowly massage me with warm oil. When he got to my right hand, he took it and kissed it. He stretched it flat so the palm was smooth and took a vial and dropped some powder onto my palm. Cocaine!!! He snorted it and then put more on my hand and snorted that.

I was shocked. I wasn't into drugs--though I did smoke pot on and off during 84-86. I had never done coke and never have. Well, things went down-hill from there. His cock stayed flaccid. I worked it...he worked it... we both worked it. NOTHING. Ever tried getting a condom on a flaccid dick? Won't work! I told him it wouldn't... he tried but gave up after two tries.

The excuses he came up with..."I must have masturbated too much this morning." "I shouldn't have had all that wine." "Your beauty intimates me."

The real reason was the coke...we both knew it.

The pressure to raise an erection was too much for me. I was so disappointed in him. He had the looks of a Prince Charming, the manners of a King and he turned out to be just the Court Jester.
I made excuses to leave. Got my clothes back on, grabbed my goodie bag...and as I opened my car door, he called from the doorway, "I've lost you, haven't I?"

Even though he looked mournful in his boxers with his blonde hair ruffled, I still had no pity for him. My answer had a double meaning, I imagine it went right over his handsome head.

"You never had me."

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