Monday, January 16, 2006

Weekend Report

William's birthday party was a success. We had it at my house Saturday afternoon. He got lots of fun presents and everyone ate well--Mom's John fried chickens in the turkey frier. I didn't eat much...just nibbled because I had the date with Al later that evening.

I got there around 7 ish. All I can say it ... Same ole Al, except no drinking or smoking. We got along great...laughed a lot. He's such a goof ball. I didn't see a lot of change in him. Except that he was sober. In a way it was easy to fall back into the old routines... like for instance, the way he cooks. It takes him hours to prepare a meal and there are usually 3 courses to them. Saturday night it took us 5 hours to get through dinner.

Then we spent the rest of the night, locked in his bedroom. All I can say is that he had erections from hell (meaning they never died) and I'm sore in places I didn't know could get sore. The intimacy was great. I think he's either read up on sex or got pointers from someone, because he had a few tricks up his sleeve that surprised a pleasant way.

At 5 am, he decided to cook us a snack of crapes. I didn't want them. I wanted to sleep. We hit the sheets at 7 am and slept until noon. He cooked another long drawn out meal, as we watched the football games (Go Panthers!). I kept saying that I had to get home, but he would talk me into staying a little longer, which turned into 9 am this morning!!!

I'm tired but in a good way. I'll be in bed early tonight.

Overall, it was a good visit. I don't think I'll fall back into the visit every weekend routine of years ago. He kept referring to return visits, but he didn't press when they would occur. I believe we both know, we can't go back and that there isn't a reason to rush forward.

But I do know this... I'll return ...for those erections from hell. ;)

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