Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Do as I do...Not as You do!

I'm here to gripe for a moment. It pisses me off when I take a time away from work to babysit the nephews and Mom or Lisa complains about how I did things. Like yesterday...I worked hard Monday to get all my Tuesday tasks done and still left work I needed to do.

William and I had a great day. We played games, did art, worked together on the computer--doing his games, watched the documentaries on the Charlie and the Chocolate factory, and had light sabre battles. I won a few times. He won lots. I told him it was his day...and I let him make his own decisions...if they weren't the best, I gently eased him in the right direction.

One of his decisions was to wear his PJ's all day. I didn't see anything wrong with that because sometimes on Sundays I do the same. We brushed his teeth and washed his face, combed his hair.... he was clean all was rainy so we stayed in.

Mom came in with Ben at 4:30. She bitched at me about the PJ's, and about other little things that didn't make a grain of difference.

It's like this...don't ask me to do you a favor and then bitch about how I did it. From now on...that's one rule I'm enforcing if I do someone a favor.

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