Wednesday, September 21, 2005


Been a while since I’ve been sniplety.

Summer ends tomorrow… bring on autumn. I’m ready.


Not every day, but some days…I don’t feel like my normal self. Today is not exception. I feel like a paper doll. Paper roses might make me feel better.


If all our possessions could fit on the head of a pin, it would make traveling less stressful.


Parmesan cheese. I’ve gotten this habit of eating single serving microwave popcorn and sprinkling Parmesan cheese over it. To top off the snack, I wash it all down with a glass of water and a twist of lime. Since I’m trying to be unpredictable, I’ll use a twist of lemon next time.


Little Willy, Willy won’t Go Home. Remember that song? I heard part of it this morning and for about 20 minutes tried to remember why he wouldn’t go home. I should pursue this matter, but some things should remain mysterious.


Eggs. William has abandoned his “I love Eggs. Eggs like me” Mantra. He’s moved on to Cotton Candy.


Toes. I have ten and they are polished a flashy pink. Except the little toes—they barely have nails to polish.


Yellow. I don’t own any item of clothing in yellow, which proves I am not made of sunlight.

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