Friday, September 30, 2005

John Mayer

Seth called last night, to discuss the weekend. A smart guy..that one...

He said, "I have a suspicion that you aren't a big fan of major surprises."

"Surpises like flowers are nice...but you're right, I like a plan not a surprise."

"I've got tickets to the John Mayer concert Sat night at the HoB."

I thought .."OmG... all these months of seranading me over the radio and via CD... all those dreams he stole into while I slept peacefully... John Mayer is finally getting his wish.... to sing to me!" Nevermind the sold out concert.

To Seth, I said "Wow. That's cool. I always wanted to see John Mayer."

Hmmm I hope John Mayer likes Fishnets, too.

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