Tuesday, September 27, 2005


I'm still running on clarity today.

Was sitting at the desk, logging in some orders when I heard a car door slam outside. It was the editor guy I dated a while back..the one who kept calling me by his ex-wife's name. I watched him suck in his gut, which isn't very large and adjust his waiste band. He came into the studio and I smiled at him. He had some photos he wanted restoring. I wrote down his order.

I silently laughed when he kept repeating my correct name. He said it in syllables: Sher..rie. As if it were a new word he found he liked. His cell phone rang and he said goodbye (I heard he's dating a woman who's got children his age and I'm happy for him).

Once outside, he relaxed his stomach and got in his car. Stroked my ego just a bit... at least I'm still 'stomach-suckable' in his eyes.


Jo said...

she has children who are the same age as he is .... or she has children the same age as his children ?

yes... i am wondering

Painter Lady said...

oops... his children are around the same age as his children