Monday, May 12, 2008

Lovely Day

Today is one of the nicest mildest days we've had in a while. It's around 66 F, windy and sunny. I love it!

And I've managed to confuse my customers ...all by accident. My hair has gotten pretty long--it falls to where my bra goes around my back--and I've decided not to cut it until my birthday. This morning at Al's I didn't have time to curl it, so I made a lovely braid and that's how I'm wearing it today...

I greeted the mailman a while ago and he said, "oh Miss Sherrie isn't working today?" I said, "Yes... I'm Sherrie." Then turned so he could see my braid. He said, " look different but in a good way."

Then a customer and her brother came in. I greeted them and she said, "Where's the girl that waited on me the other week?" I turned so she could see my braid and said, "I'm she. I braided my hair today." She said, "Oh OoooOk. I know the girl that I talked to the other week had a head full of hair."

Always nice to keep the customers guessing...

I had one of the nicest weekends in a while. And one of the easies and smoothest Mother's Days in years. I got up early Sunday, put my chicken in the crock pot, boiled my chicken for the chicken & rice, went out and cut some roses for the table's centerpiece and made some iced tea. We were to eat at 3 pm but my sister was suppose to drop by at 2 and help me get things ready. She showed up at 2:45 and I had all the food cooked, the table set and the glasses waiting for the tea. I figured she wouldn't be there to help but it was no biggie. In fact, I work faster when I do it because I have to pause and give instructions when she's helping.

Lunch was so delicious. Everyone was surprised my lemon chicken was so tender and yummilicious. And my cherry pie... unstoppable in the yum factor. We had a lovely time together and not one problem immerged. Since Granny couldn't come visit, we called her and boy, she sounded really groggy, didn't say much. We plan to have her down for Memorial weekend. With Granny rapidly declining, I feel that we really appreciate each other more than we realize.

I drove to Al's at around 6. We were going to see 10,000 BC at the Omni but he had to work late. Instead we watched the Survivor finale. Wow...what a wonderful season. I told Al that Parvati would take it all and she did. I believe this has been one of the best seasons in years.

Since I'm not going to Al's next weekend due to the Reunion, I'm driving up after work on Wednesday. We are going to try to see the movie. Lately Al's been driving me crazy... I'll blog about that later...

Right now I should get back to work..

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