Monday, January 10, 2005


Didn't get online yesterday. When I woke up, I was worse and knew that what I took to be a cold was really an allergy related respiratory bug. So I dove into my medicine cabinet and pulled out my prescription medicines and ended up sleeping most of the day and night. But I did wake up and watch Carnavale on HBO. So far its looking good. The first season was very slow and this one looks like the story will move along faster and be more exciting. I tried to watch Nip/Tuck but couldn't keep my eyes open. So I went to bed. Slept until 9 am.

Slowly got ready for work because the medicines I take for these respiratory bugs makes me groggy and listless. Got to work and have had 3 cups of coffee. I do feel much better than I did yesterday. I should have known I didn't have a cold. But sometimes its hard to know which side of the fence the 'congestion and stuffiness' is going to fall on.

1 comment:

sarah hb said...

Hope you feel better soon *hugs*