Monday, November 14, 2005

Happy Second Monday in November

I'm behind on my novel. Shame on me. I took the weekend off from typing it. Guess my fingers will be flying on the keyboard later, eh?

Let's see... what's new...

Friday night, I babysat the nephews. Thursday, I picked up a copy of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory so we watched it twice. One time all the way through. The second time starting when the kids and their parents get to the factory. The boys loved it. Especially the singing and dancing. After the second showing, we checked out the bonus DVD. It had some games, which I couldn't do. Who can press the up and down button on the DVD remote control 30 times in 10 seconds? Not I!

But the best part of the whole bonus section was... Deep Roy..the guy who played all the oompa loompas. He teaches you how to dance like one. We danced and danced. Sat morning, we danced some more, fastwarded the movie to the oompa loompa songs...and... you guessed it..danced some more.

I had to work Sat, so I took the boys home and had a slooow day. Got done with my work and left early and stopped by to see my beautician. I had a photo of her that was taken by Dad at a Chamber of Commerce affair. She was drunk and dancing with another downtown business man. It was a funny picture because he popped two buttons off his shirt at the waist probably because he was doing some sort of monky dance.

A word of advice--don't stop by a barber or a beauty shop when you're having a bad hair day. I ended up losing 4 inches of hair. Now it's a perky length, shoulder length. I confess it's easier to manage. Saturday night, some friends from my belly dance class and I went dancing at a new club. It was one of those places where everyone was on the dance floor, with or without partners. So me and the girls were getting down to the funky sounds mingling belly dance hip drops and tummy rolls with other groovy cool dance moves when I realized that I kept unconsciously dancing like an oompa loompa--a belly dancing oompa loompa...the funny part was a GI who was dancing by me.. he yelled "oompa loompa" and gave me a high five. But all in all, it was fun. We left early though, it got too crowded to dance without rubbing up against strange men. I don't mind the rubbing ... it's who I'm rubbing against!!! A guy with a fungus thing on his lips kept rubbing his crotch against my ass. I elbowed him and he moved over to one of the other girls who said, "let's go."

My Sunday was quiet. Didn't do much. Watched "Rome" and "Curb"... on Hbo.

Today...when I got to work I had an ornery old geezer in here first thing. He wanted a copy made of an old photo... he's what I call an "echo talker--someone who makes one syllable sound like two" (patent pending). I kept asking him to repeat himself. I thought he said his name was 'Johnny R (r-rah) Colton'. He saw me writing it down and said, "That's not right. I'm not a johnny-ee." He paid with a check and I saw he was right.. and I was wrong on all parts..his name is John L. Cole.

My dear friend Sam got his author questionairre from Publish America. He told me that instead of 30 days, he has 14 to get everything together. I was stunned. 14 days isn't enough time to get it ready. I'm considering self-publishing my next book. I can sell my books from my website or at the studio. Most want signed copies and most of my sales are from books purchased directly from me. Course it's something to study over, before doing.

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