Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Stabbed by a Leaded Pencil

Before I begin my tale of woe, I have an announcement:

I'm the champion Southeastern Hairball Bowler. It's an unofficial title that isn't up for challenging, so don't even think about breaking my record...hey, if I keep my record a secret, then no one can break it...damn I'm soo smart. ( don't hate me because I'm smart, hate me because I can hairball bowl.)

In case you don't pay attention to my silly blog of fun links....
here's the link to it

Ok... I've been slack by not blogging of late...blame that on my work load and my problematic work Computer.

Bruce Springsteen is in NC doing the concert scene. I couldn't make either show... I guess its a good thing... Bruce, my darlin'...it wouldn't have worked anyway... what we have is precious I know...but think of those we would hurt... it's better this way. I'll never forget you. At least we have our song..."I'm on Fire." We'll flame from afar, Bruce... we'll flame...

Sunday, I was looking in a bag of hodge podge art stuff for a drafting pen to highlight some pencil drawings I was working on and my right forefinger was stabbed by a very sharp leaded pencil...a #2 to be exact. It killed. I pulled it out but part of the tip stayed. I home-doctored it. But this morning I noticed that it was festered and hot to touch with red streaks going up the finger to my hand. Had to take my brother to work, and once I did, I stopped by the urgent care and they checked it out. Lanced it, swabbed it with some red stuff and then...Gave me a tentus shot. Ouchie. And a sample of some type of heavy duty antibacterial ointment. It's bandaged and a pain to work with. Cost me $105 !!!!

That's my news for now...not that it's all my news...it's all my fingers can handle for the moment.

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