Sunday, December 26, 2004

You Wear Shadows

You wear shadows like a cloak of night,
stealing across the moon’s dark side;
a face hidden in canyons and oceans.
Mysterious, I give you that;
black eyes, so dark that light reflects naught.
If I look too deep I can see into shadows,
your secrets and dreams shifting away.
Why do you hide yourself?
You have created a maze of solitude
and I find no pathway to the heart of you.
My light is lost in the dark recesses
you surround yourself with.
Might I touch you, black onyx
to warm you with my opal fires
so that your shadows dissipate
into the brilliance of promise,
like the sun over the blues of ocean waves?

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Sometimes a mystery is good to solve, but there are times when the shadows need to fall away.

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