Sunday, December 26, 2004

Time and Distance

Ticking, time beats
a pendulum across my heart,
continuous, never ceasing.
Subliminal messages
prey upon my soul;
your fingers on my face.

I cannot stop the racing
of my present,
nor can I stall
the slow climb of
the second hand
as it ticks away
the moments of our love.

But I do know this,
as simple as your breath
against mine,
I can close the distance
between our lips.

~ ~ ~ ~
I sat staring a blank page of paper not long ago...trying to find words to describe my thoughts...and the ticking of a clock overhead was so loud I swear it deafened my muse...and so a poem was born.

1 comment:

sarah hb said...

Loving your poetry! :)
If you feel like visiting my blog then.... beware... there are a lot of posts cos' I've been blogging for about 6 months now. lol.
Hope you had a Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year :)