Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Sunburn my name.

My sister and I took the boys to Holden Beach yesterday. That's heard correct. I took a day off. We had a blast. Except I got a bad case of sunburn on my shoulders and back. So bad I had trouble sleeping last night. I usually use 15 SF lotion but my sister sprayed me with dark tanning oil that has a sunfactor of 4.

So I burned... it was partly my fault, because I assumed she was using the same high SF stuff on me that she used on the nephews. I didn't feel the burn until I got home.

Anyway, I dealing with it. Wearing a strapless sundress. Thought the mailman was gonna ravish me on the front desk when he came in today.

But we had so much fun yesterday. The boys did great. They even packed their pirate costumes (Jack Sparrow wig and clothes) and brought them along. William's reasoning was that if a pirate ship showed up, they would be prepared to join them. Real pirates don't wear swim trucks.

After about 3 hours, we packed up Lisa's SUV and drove over to see Granny. She was happy to see us and we stayed about 45 mins. She was having a good day and seemed very coherent. I'm glad we dropped in.

Well, I think I may leave work early today. The sunburn is driving me nuts. And I feel like sitting on the couch and watching Lazytown on Demand. I swear I could eat Sportacus for dinner.


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