Thursday, October 05, 2006

Middle Names

Mine is Rose. I like my middle name, because it is part of my mother's name: Rosemary. But my sister hates her middle name. It's Renee. Lisa Renee. I've always thought it was nice but she would almost pull her hair out when relatives would call each of us by our first and middle names. And heaven forbid if somebody tried to give her a nickname like 'nee nee' or 'Lisa Re'... heck it's better than the one some relatives called me, "Sher-Rose."

There's an old friend of Dad's visiting today. He was at the hospital when Lisa was born and was given the honor of thinking up a middle name. He told me that his favorite girl name is Renee. I told him she hated her middle name and wished it was "Queen Elizabeth of North Carolina." He didn't bat an eye and said, "She should have spoken up."

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