Friday, June 01, 2007

The Secret Old Folk Driving School

I believe when you hit 70 years-old or so that there's a secret old folk driving school that you're sent to, which teaches the elderly how to drive ...crazy...

On the way from office depot, I have to hit at least 8 traffic lights...and the old blue hair lady in the caddy in front of me, stopped at every red light, every yellow light and yes, every green light....

I prayed for patience because I'm figuring if I don't lose my temper with senior citizen driving, then I've earned the right to drive the young folk drivers crazy when I'm over 70 with blue hair, driving a caddy where I can barely see over the steering wheel!!!

1 comment:

John said...

Try doing it in Florida, where we get not only our old folks, but all the old folks from New York and New Jersey, many of whom lived in the city and took public transportation all their lives. These folks don't even get their license until they're 70, and the cop administering the test has a blindfold and a valium, because that's the only way he can get through the day.