Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Hot Time in the City

It's 96 F outside. Very hot... luckily, I've found a spot to park the truck where the shade of the old Scottish Bank (two floors) offers comfort from the heat. I'm waiting for someone to figure it out and steal my spot in the mornings before I get to work.

I had a great weekend. Al and I cooked some delicious food and we watched a really good movie "The Last Castle" with Robert Redford. He's one of my favorite actors...and Al's too. Another thing in common.

On my way in from Fayetteville yesterday, I stopped at a bookstore and got some groovy books. A Chinese Brush Painting book, a Massage book and a Bruce Springsteen book...all were 99 cents each. How can you beat that? You can't.

Bad new when I got home...some thief or thieves cut the lock on my storage barn door and stole my $1000 riding lawn mower. They left the two push mowers, the nephews' bikes and other important stuff...so I guess I got off lucky. I found out yesterday that the land behind the house has been sold in 'lots'...which means mobile homes are going to be place there. One of my neighbors has to move a wooden fence, which sits on one of the lots. It was offered to her for a $1000 and she declined. The owners of the land sold it to someone for $5000. I think she's a dummy for letting it slip through her fingers... but what do I know?

I have some other stuff to blog about...guess I'll get around to it later.

1 comment:

Um Naief said...

It's been really hot on this side of the world as well. Too hot for June!

The chinese book sounds interesting.

I had some anon person attack me on my blog and call me white trash and told me, "whitey go home". Gotta love it.....

or not.