Thursday, April 06, 2006


6 days into the month and I just realized that I haven't blogged in over a week.

I really thought I had and was surprised to see I haven't bored anyone lately!

Things around here have been ok. Just working hard and enjoying the nice weather when I get home at night. My yard is looking good. The azaleas and dogwoods are blooming. My pussywillow had fuzzies all over it.

The nephews are doing great. William made all 3's on his report card. Excellent for a kid with autism. I hope by the time he's in the 8th grade that he won't carry that label. We work hard every day so that he knows his homework. Last night we spelled all sorts of words. I'm very proud of him. Poor Ben...he's not the academic type at all. I've been working with him on his spelling and trying to coax him to play educational games on the computer but all he's interested in is...playing ball or power rangers. I'm afraid he's not going to be the 'geek' type like William is. As long as he passes his classes, I guess that's all that matters.

Spent a nice weekend at Al's. He had to work but we managed to find some time for adventures. One of my friends made a comment that heaven in a relationship doesn't last long. Maybe it doesn't. But I'm not striving for a perfect relationship--if it were that, then it would be boring I think. Al and I have our differences. We get angry but we talk it out and do what we can to compromise. Then we laugh about it later. I'll settle for pieces of heaven.


John said...

Heaven is a place
A place where nothing
Nothing ever happens
-Talking Heads

perfection is not something you get often, if ever in this life. Take the little pieces that come and cherish them...and work with what you have the rest of the time.

Painter Lady said...

Thanks J... I really like this comment. I think I'll cherish it.


Um Naief said...

you know... sometimes when ppl tell me that they never have arguments/disagreements w/ their spouses or signficant others - i always find that amusing and am filled w/ disbelief.

like john said - "perfection is not something you get often, if ever in this life...."

i find that my hubby brings sanity into my life. he makes me smile and laugh. i'm happy to take the good w/ the bad and to cherish those little pieces!