Monday, March 07, 2005

The First Leg of the Trip

heh heh.. I should say the first bone of the trip!

The trip up and over to G-ville was smooth. Ran into some rain but otherwise smooth sailing. I called Darin, when I was 45 mins away and we made plans to meet at Ham's brew house/restuarant, in downtown.

Brief history on Darin. We dated on and off from 86 to 88. He broke my heart in the summer of 88. I told him one day he would regret it. It was in 95 that I got a phone call from him. He had been looking for me for a year, even had a private eye searching. At the time I was dating Al and told him I wasn't available. But if he were ever in the neighborhood to drop was always good to see a friend. He came to see me one Sat a few months later. It was a good visit. We put closure to a lot of hurt feelings. I realized I had none left for him. I think he realized he still had some for me. We lost contact after that visit. Then...about 2 years ago, I joined the site. He had joined it but I didn't know it. One day a month or two later, he left an email for me there...saying "If this is the same Sherrie that went to ECU and roomed with Nurse Jeri, please reply. It's Chachi."

Chachi was the nickname I gave him when we first met. Dont' know why...I was kinda drunk.

So I replied and we've kept in contact somewhat. He had a huge heart attack last year. When I knew him he was a stick--thin and a good wind would blow him away. He's pushing 300 lbs now. I was blown away. No wonder he had a heart attack. On a not so funny note, every time he laughed or moved, his stomach pushed the table into me. Ok, it was funny... he made jokes about it.

We had a light lunch. He paid for it and I gave him a signed book. We talked about a lot of things. He kept saying I look the best I've ever looked. That he couldn't get over how wonderful I looked. That I've always amazed him. Now he regrets that I got away.

I don't. Its not his weight. I'm not the same girl I was back in the golden days of the 80's. I'm a woman now--I know who I am. He remarked that there was a serenity about me that I didn't have the last time he saw me in the 90's. He said I was calm and laid-back. I am, I guess.

And Darin... well, he's still a good guy and the same guy that he was years ago. It was nice seeing him and when we said good-bye a few hours later, I didn't look back as I drove away.

After that I drove over to Dave's house. He and his fiancee are getting married sometime in April... towards the end I think. An outside wedding at her sister's house. I gave him a book. His fiancee took it and read a few of them. She suddenly exclaimed, "Oh MY GOD.. you HAVE to write a POEM for our WEDDING and READ it. Listen to this honey..." then proceeded to read excerpts of my poems. I don't know why but I was uncomfortable hearing someone read my poems... especially in the way she read them... verses running timed pauses for effect.

I couldn't say no. Mainly because I couldn't think of an excuse not to do it. I made the visit as brief. No Tarot readings this time. The Bride said she would call me this week to talk about the poem and what she wanted me to wear. I left there and went to Joyce's house...

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